The Dolomites are unique and show their beauty in every season...
In winter the charm of a snow-covered countryside surrounded from the calcareous massifs with their unique shapes.
In summer green meadows extending as far as the eye can see with lots of beautiful flowers.
In autumn coloured woods and "pale" mountains that glow red at sunset.
In our valley of Val Gardena you can combine the pleasures of relaxation with leisure time activities.
In winter you have not only the pleasure of skiing on the world's most famous pistes, the Dolomiti Superski district. You can also appreciate the silent Dolomite landscape and the snow-covered woods with snow shoes, cross country skiers or taking charming walks.
In summer, whether you like to walk, ride a mountain bike or a horse, once you've reached your destination you'll be treated to incredible views of one of the world's most amazing Alpine panoramas.